
charlie brown and the football.

at some point, can we as democrats stop playing charlie brown to the republicans' lucy?

democrats are expected to be bipartisan, while it's perfectly okay for these republicans to scream, flail, kick dirt in our eyes and generally show their asses. bipartisan seems to mean democrats do what republicans want.

enough. it's time to stop this ridiculous mess. check the scoreboard. we've got sizeable majorities in both houses of congress, and the white house. democrats, you no longer have to bow and scrape and bend to the will of the dc media, talk radio, or anyone else. you've got a job to do and there's no time and no reason to extend a hand to the party who is actively hoping you fail to fix any of the nation's problems.

is there any reason in the world to believe they'll ever stop yanking the ball away?


if this shows up, that means google/blogger did something right and i can post via email.

[edit, only seconds later]
hey, looky there. it worked. i do enjoy some things about the 21st century.


glenn beck's revolution.

apparently this pinhead glenn beck was on bill o'reilly (ORLY?) tonight saying we're headed for a depression and revolution.

the revolutionary fantasies of the right wing are a point of confusion for me. why is everything about armed conflict with these people? and what exactly is so attractive, even romantic, about rebelling against the nation you supposedly love so much that you will eviscerate a presidential candidate who does not wear its flag as a lapel pin?

but what i'm really wondering tonight is this: is the love affair with revolution due to a belief it will inherently benefit the right wing? i think it might be. but revolution is a complicated matter with many players. no outcome is ever certain. those who start an armed revolt are not necessarily those left standing when it's over. the bolsheviks eventually wound up in power after the russian revolution(s) of 1917, but the population was far from communist when the thing started.

i suppose what i'm saying is: be careful wishing for a revolution, especially without a single approval number on your side. you may not like how it turns out.

deep thought.

i want to invent a new, wonderful, can't-do-without it product just so i can have billy mays in my advertising. i see him in everything now and his monotone scream puts me in the mood to consume, consume, consume.

i wonder if the shamwow guy is available.